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Hunter Huss IB Readings

Check to make sure you posted the February 2 blog also because this one is being posted before the Feb 2 due date!

We talked about personality types in ToK class. According to some psychologists, all humans fall within 1 of 16 distinct personality types, which can be measured by a test called the Myers-Briggs personality test.  This is a fun and easy blog and you might learn something about yourself and each other. I have done this test numerous times since I first heard Dr. Myers speak years ago and have always scored the same – INFJ (and it recommends teacher as one of my careers – go figure). So, your instructions are – take the quick quiz on the first link then go to the second link to read about your personality type. Post your “4 Letters” here, then give a brief opinion on whether you agree or disagree with the assessment of your personality. Also post a career that it mentions you are suited for and mention if you might consider doing it.

The quiz: (note – there are lots of them online – google Myers-Briggs test if you want to do more! The original paper test has a lot more than 72 questions)

The descriptions: (click on the type you scored – at the bottom of the description are icons with info on careers, relationships, and personal growth)